The Graveyard covered an area of 4.5 acres, of which the front and oldest section has now been converted into a garden. There are apporximately 3,800 grave plots.
From May to October 1986 a project was undertaken to map and record the graves and monuments at All Saints’. This was a project set up by the National Association for the Care and Resettlement of Offenders, Community Programme Scheme, funded by Manpower Services Commission and the records were produced in book form by Calderdale Monuments Inscriptions. The church holds copies of these records, as do relevant record offices in Yorkshire and London. The church copies have recently been digitised and that resource will be available soon.
The Graveyard was divided into seven sections to ease searching: West Wall Section, Section 1 (now the garden), 2,3,4,5 & 6 and a map was produced.

There are a number of burials and memorials in the churchyard relating to those who died in World War 1 and World War 2.
Rev. Jennifer Middleton has recently produced a booklet about some of these and is still undertaking research in this area.
Click here for the pdf version of the booklet: War burials web copy

A working party in Summer 2024 cleared some of the overgrown graveyard.
We will be holding more’churchyard cut-back’ sessions and would be grateful for any volunteers.
Long sleeves, gloves and study footwear need to be worn.
Battery or petrol strimmers, hedge cutters, or other suitable equipment also needed, as we have limited tools on site.